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The Published Histories of New Zealand Rugby Football

This site is a record of all the known written histories of all Rugby clubs, provinces, sub-unions, referee’s associations and schools in New Zealand.
It is not the history of every Rugby club and Rugby province in New Zealand, that has already been done by others. The histories that have been written by “others” are referenced here and the intention is to get a copy of each publication available at the New Zealand Rugby Museum, thereby preserving the history of the clubs and unions that developed our national game.
In 1985, Dave McLaren published A Handbook of Rugby Literature, being a record of every Rugby book (brochure, magazine, etc) that Dave knew of at that time – in the world. This was a remarkable effort and an invaluable reference point for all collectors and historians. Dave published an updated edition in 1990.
In the section on Club Histories, Dave stated that he had barely scratched the surface. He was correct. Since then, many previously unrecorded histories have been discovered.
In 1998, John Jenkins (Wales) published A Rugby Compendium, being An Authoritative Guide To The Literature of Rugby Union. John’s book contained only the Rugby books in English. This book was much more comprehensive than Dave’s earlier books and made extensive use of the internet, libraries, and other contributors. It is a monumental effort but again, the New Zealand Rugby club history section was very light.
Realising the importance of the written histories about New Zealand clubs and provinces, we have updated Dave and John’s work, but restricted it to only New Zealand Rugby club and provincial histories and, rather than publish it in book form, have created a website that can be updated as new books are discovered or written, or errors are discovered.
This will ensure the preservation of the records of the Rugby clubs of New Zealand, including those clubs that have long become defunct.
Some of the histories mentioned we have never seen, but they have been mentioned in other books, club records and book auctions. We are always looking for histories, especially to fill gaps at the New Zealand Rugby Museum. Please contact us if you have a book, or a collection to sell.
We also welcome any contributions that visitors would like to make, whether adding to the history of a club referenced on the site or to provide memories from days past. A notes section has been included under each booklet for this purpose.
We also welcome contributions to our blog section. If you have an article or story you would like to add to our blog, contact us.
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