Star Rugby Club New Plymouth – The Spotswood United Rugby Football & Sports Club Inc was formed in November 1990 through the amalgamation of the Star and Spotswood College Old Boys Rugby Clubs. The Spotswood College Old Boys Rugby Club was formed in 1964 through an affiliation to the Spotswood College. The Star Rugby Club was formed in 1889. The original club laid its foundation the year before in 1888 when a group of enthusiastic young lads got together to play and called themselves the ‘Red House’ Club after the nearby Red House Hotel – later to become the State Hotel. The following year it was thought inappropriate that the young club called itself after a Hotel so a meeting was called of all interested parties and the Star Rugby Football Club was born with the first playing strip of dark and light blue hoops adopted. It was in 1892 the club changed it’s playing strip to a Black Jersey with a 5-pointed Gold Star – this was the strip played in right up to the amalgamation with a few tweaks along the way.