Club History

Hornby Rugby Club

Hornby Rugby Club – Prior to 1961 all games were played on grounds on Aymes Road, during 1958-1960 a playing field was added in Mr Parker’s land (now Parker Street). The club owned an old army hut in Amyes Road which was used for all purposes but had no water or toilets. March 1961 was the year the club moved from Amyes Road to Denton Park. Mr Denton, from Russley Road, donated all the land, except the front sections which he sold cheaply to Paparua County Council. Colin and his brother Michael played most of their primary school rugby for the Hornby Club. In 1961, the Club had a fourth grade team and seven school boy teams. On shifting to Denton Park, players used the concrete block building under the Hornby Cricket Pavilion. Committee records should show that in the year 1966, (or 1967 or 1968) we joined with an Air force team and we had a very good senior reserve team in 1969. Also in this year, the club applied to the Rugby Union for senior status, but was refused. This was a very hard time for the Club as in 1970 our top players left the club and the Air force players returned to Wigram.In the years 1966-1967, we could not convince the Canterbury Rugby Union to use Denton Oval for senior football, as it is smaller than the standard field. When Jack Story became president of the Canterbury Rugby Union he said why not have a trial, Senior Rugby has played there ever since. He was only the president of the Union to attend a committee meeting of our club.In the years leading up to 1970, we did not have any voting rights the Canterbury Rugby Union and only little contact. Our man on the J.A.B had no voting rights, but this changed very suddenly with the arrival of Tom Webster from Southland who was an All Black Fullback from 1948-1950

50th Jubilee 2006 Hornby Rugby Club

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Hornby Rugby Club
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6 pages
Celebrated on Queen’s Birthday weekend June 2 – 4 2006 To view a pdf of the booklet click here.

50th Jubilee 2006 Hornby Rugby Club

Hornby Rugby Club
Not stated
6 pages
Celebrated on Queen’s Birthday weekend June 2 – 4 2006 To view a pdf of the booklet click here.